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Budget form
UP's annual budget
Alangar Union Parishad (LGD ID 6912010)
Upazila: Bishwanath, District: Sylhet.
Money-year: 2018-2019
Trial of open budget meeting for fiscal year 2018-2019

Time: 11.00 AM in the morning
Place: House No. 3 of the Union Parishad office.
President: Mr. Md. Nazmul Islam Ruhal Chairman, 3 No. of Honorable Union Parishads
Topics of the meeting:
1. 2018-2019 Budget expands and approvals
2. Miscellaneous

Attached members and signatures are attached:

In today's meeting, the President thanked everyone present in the meeting and started the meeting in the meeting of the present meeting.
1st meeting: Chairman Chairman: In the meeting, he said that in order to manage the budget for the year 2018-2019, the Local Government Ordinance 1983 Amendment Ordinance 1988 will be made to tax the budget for the annual budget of income expenditure. After fixing the tax, the income will be calculated later. Tax has been set according to the prevailing past two years. As per that list, the tax promotion for the year 2017-2019 could be fixed.
Proposals for the year 2018-2019
1. Annual VAT rate of entry = 150000 / -
2. Annual Pricing Chowkidar of Land Entry = 150000 / -
3. License fee by the council = 270000 / -
4. Rixar license fee = 20000 / -
The tax rate has been accepted at the Exposition meeting.
Draft draft of possible income expenditure has been submitted to the meeting. According to that estimate, the decision made on the final income expenditure is taken.
According to the above promotions, the meeting was widely discussed and the general public interest rate for public interest.
Total Revenue = 52,05,428.35 / -
Total Expenses = 52,00,200.35 / -
The budget of 2018-2019 is unanimously accepted.

The name of the sector is the next fiscal year's budget
2018-2019 Revised budget for the current fiscal year (Rupees)
Actual (money) of the previous year of fiscal year 2017-2018
The total funds of the funds of the own fund
1 2 3 4 5 6
Initial scratch
          Cash in hand
          Bank Deposit = 14,781 / - = 6047.35 / - 20,828.35 / - = 10829 / -
          Total initial reports:

   Tax Revenue = 3,00,000 / - = 5,00,000 / - = 4,30,000 / - = 4,40,000 / -
   Recovery (owing) = 200,000 / -
   Licenses and permit fees by the council = 2,70,000 / - = 2,70,000 / - = 2,65,000 / - = 2,52,000 / -
   Receipt of lease

  License fee for uncontrolled vehicles = 20,000 / - = 20,000 / - = 10,000 / - = 10,000 / -
   Income from property
   Government funding for establishment work = 100,000 / - = 6,40,000 / - = 7,40,000 / - = 2,00,000 / -
   Immovable property transfer of 1% means = 7,00,000 / - = 7,00,000 / - = 6,00,000 / - = 7,50,000 / -
   Government subsidy in ADP = 2.04,600 / - = 2,04,600 / -

Government Allowance = 25,00,000 / - = 25,00,000 / - = 24,00,000 / - = 16,50,000 / -
   Local Government Institution = 100,000 / - = 50,000 / - = 1,50,000 / - = 7,16,200 / -
   Other receipts = 1,00,000 / - = 1,00,000 / - = 4,00,000 / - = 2,05,025 / -
Total Receipt = 10,04,781 / - = 42,00,647.35 / - = 52,05,428.35 / - = 43,15,829 / - = 40,222,225 / -

The name of the sector is the next fiscal year's budget
2018-2019 Revised budget for the current fiscal year (Rupees)
Actual (money) of the previous year of fiscal year 2017-2018
The total funds of the funds of the own fund
1 2 3 4 5 6
Establishment charges:
   Honor to the Chairman and Members
    With arrears) = 3, 55,500 / - = 1,70,100 / - = 4, 95,600 / - = 7,88,000 / - = 678,300 / -

  Employees' salaries, allowances = 7,04,600 / - = 7,04,600 / - = 5,19,800 / -
   Tax Exemption = 1,25,000 / - = 1,250,000 / - = 1,07,500 / - 1,10,000 / -
   Printing and stationery = 50,000 / - = 50,000 / - = 50,000 / - = 35,000 / -
   Call and his
  Electricity bill = 15,000 / - = 15,000 / - = 15,000 / - = 15,000 / -
   Office Maintenance = 50,000 / - = 50,000 / - = 50,000 / - = 25,000 / -
   Other (Computer Trainer + Sew Training + Sport) = 65,000 / - = 75,000 / - = 1,40,000 / - = 4,00,000 / - = 1,622,000 / -

Developmental Expenditure:    Agricultural project = 50,000 / - = 2,50,000 / - = 3,00,000 / - = 2,00,000 / - = 3,00,000 / -    Health and Sanitation = 1,00,000 / - = 5,50,000 / - = 6,50,000 / - = 4,00,000 / - = 5,00,000 / -    Road construction and repair = 100,000 / - = 18,00,000 / - = 19,00,000 / - = 16,00,000 / - = 13,00,000 / -    Home Construction and Repair = 100,000 / - = 1,00,000 / -       

Education Program = 50,000 / - = 3,00,000 / - = 3,50,000 / - = 3,00,000 / - = 3,00,000 / -
   Irrigation and canals = 1,00,000 / - = 1,00,000 / - = 1,00,000 / -
   Others (Plant And Technology Sector) = 70,000 / - = 1,50,000 / - = 2,20,000 / - = 90,000 / - = 1,30,000 / -
Total expenditure: = 10,00,500 / - = 41,99,700 / - = 52,00,200 / - = 42,60,300 / - = 39,89,100 / -
Closing Criterion: = 4,281 / - = 947.35 / - = 5,228.35 / - = 55,529 / - = 34.125 / -
Authorization date:


Signature of Secretary                  Signature of the Chairman